Patience. This is something that many of us try to have, and most of us fail at achieving. It is the thing that this fast-paced world in which we live makes us not want to have. Yet it is the only thing that will get us to where we want to be.
I first saw this video from Mike Vacanti a while back and saved it in my browser because I felt that it was something that needed to be talked about. Mike talks about having patience to reach your goals because there is no quick fix. None of these "4 weeks to a beach body" workouts or Atkins-beach-mediter-paleo diets that you see on the internet or on TV work the way that they say they will if you haven't been exercising regularly and been filling your face with cheesecake for 10-20-40 years. You're only kidding yourself if you think that they will work for you.
"This time I'll be serious. I am going to commit myself to this workout or diet and get myself where I want to be." Then what? What will you do after that workout plan or diet is over to maintain your goal?
What everyone out there needs to realize is that you need to have patience and commitment to get you there. Patience to know that you need to capitalize on the time you have and use it wisely; commitment to changing your lifestyle. That doesn't mean eating only raw foods and going to the gym 5 days a week for 2 hours at a time. Find something you like doing and stick to it. Enjoy it! Once you find this magical combination and develop the patience to truly get you to your goal of a healthier, sexier you, you won't believe how AMAZING you will feel!
Watch Mike Vacanti's video and get inspired. It's less than 4 minutes long. Don't you deserve to start somewhere? Don't you deserve to be the best version of you?
Love you all!
-Alan Goldsmith
Push your body! Get results!